Our Harassment unfortunately Started September 1997
She used these pictures to harass our family.

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Just a few words about Cyber Love. This is my opinion and by no means is the gospel or any other professional opinion. Just my own. Things in chat rooms can become very real and can even pass over into a real time situation. Please, Please remember these are real people with real emotions at play here and someone can get hurt here. Just because the other person has no face doesn't mean that they have no feelings. That person with a face has a face and real emotions. In cyberspace we spend alot of time really opening up and getting to know one another and say things here we might not say in a real life situation. This can make for a bond that is very strong sometimes much stronger than ones you do have in our real time lives. Things here can become very intense and filled with wonder and adventure! Go forth from this page with good thoughts and be careful.

Just remember not all people are honest and trustworthy. The same in real life. But here we can open up more and give out freely information that can be used against us later on. If you do meet someone from the net don't do it alone the person you are meeting, but sure to check them out, if they are your friend they will understand you trying to be safe. If you find yourself having feelings for someone on the net please do one very important thing be honest !! Many people that have been hurt just from that one thing...the lack of honesty. Just because this is the net doesn't mean its not real because it is!! The reality is from within the heart of the people here and love hurts regardless of where it happens!! Don't make plans for a life together unless you really mean it I have seen marriages ruined here and peoples lives forever changed and some work out great others come crashing down and people left hurt and crying both male, children and females. So chat and have fun but just remember this is as real as meeting someone anywhere else in the world! Don't say things you dont mean or intend to back up later or you or someone else will be hurt. And you might just met a cyberstalker or harasser that will never go away.....Just remember be safe, and protect yourself.

A friend sent me this....thought it had real meaning.

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