O U R T E X A S 
We left for our trip to Texas on Dec.23, 2001. We got to San Antonio at 2:00 a.m.
Christmas Eve. Yes we drove. But we have the most fun on the trip there and back.
Spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in San Antonio. The river walk was decorated
so beautiful. The lights hanging down, while you walk or ride the riverboat. We
had a small tree in the room. And we exchanged gifts on Christmas moring. Not all
gifts, most were opened at home. But the rest were opened in our little paradise.
Christmas Day after eating just as it was getting dark, we went to the River Walk
and looked at the lights, watched the people, and walked until we almost couldn't
go another step. Great fun and experience of a lifetime. And believe it or not
it was not cold, cool but not cold, light jackets were all that was needed.
The next day off to San Marcos where we shopped all day long. Got back to the
room about 9:30 p.m. and loaded the van for the next morning. Yes I said Van,
oh did I forget to tell you, yes we have a new van. We love it, all the room
and comfort of home. Now where was I, oh yes, then after loading, the next day
we were off to Mexico, yes we crossed the border. We here in America have
no idea how lucky were really are. We were like so amazed to see all the shops
the town square, and the proverty that these people are living in, they will
sell you anything and everything if you just want to bargain with them.
We entered Mexico at the Laredo entrance, if anyone is planning on going, we
suggest you do the same. The U. S. side has good parking lots with guards and
they told us that it was one of the better ones.
After returning to the U.S. that late afternoon, we were off to Fredericksburg.
This is a beautiful German little town in Texas. It was great. We stayed
there for a couple of days. We shopped everyday until we almost were ready to
drop. We eat at some wonderful German restaurants and had some wonderful Mexican
food, the best we have ever had. The shops were wonderful and we found a couple
of places where we plan to buy our furniture when we move to Texas.
Then it was off to Austin to see Carie and Wade, and Allie(Their dog). They took us
to Dave and Busters again (the kids in all of us loved this) it is the largest
gameroom and restaurant. It was great. We had a ball. We also went to Lake
Travis and went across the bridge to the best part of town, where some pro
football players live and Sandra Bullock of course. I enjoyed this trip
better than all the rest. We experience first time things none of us have
ever done, experienced things some of us had done but others had not, and
we shared it all as if it were the first time. By the way, we did look at homes
and already picked the one we want. Now time for finding a job. Wish us luck.
We want to live in Texas. How is that for the surprise? We love it out there
so we are looking to move (maybe)......We still have questions, and still
need to know about somethings. But we are going to move one way or another.
We will be moving from Jasper, Alabama. We don't want to live here anymore.
Too far out and Mike hates the drive and so do I.
We all love that part of Texas, some parts are colder than others. Keep your
fingers and toes crossed. We would love to be able to move to Texas it is a great
state and there seems to be so much going on all the time.
Folks, better run, have so much to do and see. But our trip was wonderful.
Pictures will be posted soon. Love and Kisses to all. Pray for each other and
remember you are all in our prayers..........Goodbye for now.
Hugs and Kisses
The George Family
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