The News Story

The News Story Here
On April 7, 2000, 20 year old Texas A&M student, Kerry Jason Kujawa,
left his dorm to drive to San Antonio, TX to meet his online lover,
a woman named "Kelly". On April 19, 2000, his body was found.

Kerry was killed by a man who had been pretending to be a woman on
the internet. Kerry never met his love, he met Kenny Wayne Lockton,
a 6'2" man who used "Kelly" to deceive young men into believing he was
a woman. He killed Kerry for allegedly posing a threat to exposing
this female alter ego. Kerry's body was discovered April 27, 2000.
He had been dead for some time.

Read Stories About Internet Love
Webster's defines a soulmate as "A person who is temperamentally suited to another".This definition is not the one that could cause so many people to seek out relationships with others on the internet, to do things that, in real time, they would not even consider doing. Everyone wants someone to love and to be loved but with all that in mind. People often do strange things for these people they have met online in chat rooms and/or ICQ...etc. Leaving spouses, family and friends, giving money to complete and utter strangers, inviting these strangers into their homes. But they do so, and they do so based upon a belief that they have found their "lifelong soulmate".

Our site contains some helpful information. Information presented in news articials and stories found from people who have had both positive and negative experiences with internet dating/meetings. Some of them have found happiness, friends, fulfillment, love and marriage. Others have found the opposite.. deceit, betrayal, lies and ruin, both financial and emotional. These news articles, and other pages have important information, tips and guidelines.

We hope you find this information useful and helpful. Just remember if it is too good to believe it probably is........and be careful. Thanks for the visit. Mike and Tammy George

Hope these help:
Is This Love
Federal Laws on Stalking
Know the Laws

What is Libel
Am I guilty?

Cyber Love

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